1 需求说明2 源码实现2.1 函数申明2.2 功能实现3 源码测试4 小小总结
1 需求说明题目大意如下:
2 源码实现2.1 函数申明
复制 NAME memmove – copy memory area SYNOPSIS #include void *memmove(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n); DESCRIPTION The memmove() function copies n bytes from memory area src to memory area dest. The memory areas may overlap: copying takes place as though the bytes in src are first copied into a temporary array that does not overlap src or dest, and the bytes are then copied from the temporary array to dest. RETURN VALUE The memmove() function returns a pointer to dest.2.2 功能实现
复制char *my_memmove(char* dest, const char *src, size_t len) { assert(dest && src && (len > 0)); if (dest == src) { ; } else if (dest <= src || (char *)dest >= ((char *)src + len)) { char *p = dest; int i; /* The same as memcpy */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { *p++ = *src++; } } else if (dest > src) { char *p = dest + len – 1; src += len – 1; int i; /* Copy data from back to front */ for (i = len – 1; i >= 0; i–) { *p— = *src–; } } return dest; } 3 源码测试简单的测试代码如下:
复制#include #include int main(void) { char buf[30] = “123456789abcdef”; printf(“before-memcpy-buf: %s “, buf); my_memmove(buf + 5, buf, 3); printf(“after-memcpy-buf: %s “, buf); printf(“before-memcpy-buf: %s “, buf); my_memmove(buf + 5, buf, 9); printf(“after-memcpy-buf: %s “, buf); return 0; } 简单写了build.sh脚本做编译测试:
复制#! /bin/bash -e CFLAGS=“-Wall -Werror” cmd=“gcc *.c $CFLAGS -o test” if [ “$1“ = “clean” ]; then rm -rf test echo “Clean build done !” exit 0 fi echo $cmd && $cmd执行编译后,运行小程序的结果:
复制c_c++/memmove$ ./test before-memmove-buf: 123456789abcdef after-memmove-buf: 123451239abcdef before-memmove-buf: 123451239abcdef after-memmove-buf: 12345123451239f 从运行结果上看,基本满足了题目要求,有心的读者可以进一步测试其他测试用例。
4 小小总结memmove的源码实现,核心是考虑内存重合的部分,这是与memcpy最本质的区别,下回我们再介绍一下memcpy的实现。感谢大家的关注,谢谢。
转载请注明出处:【C语言经典面试题】源码实现标准库函数memmove-c语言标准库函数大全 https://www.yhzz.com.cn/a/7108.html