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1 需求背景

2 简要分析

2.1 算法分析

2.2 gettimeofday简介

3 源码实现

3.1 参考代码

3.2 代码简介

3.3 代码测试

4 小小总结

5 更多分享

1 需求背景



2 简要分析

2.1 算法分析



2.2 gettimeofday简介

在Linux C语言编程中,我们很容易会想到gettimeofday这个函数,下面我们将简单介绍一下这个函数。


GETTIMEOFDAY(2) Linux Programmers Manual GETTIMEOFDAY(2)


** gettimeofday, settimeofday – get / set time**


** #include **

复制int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz); ​ int settimeofday(const struct timeval *tv, const struct timezone *tz);

Feature Test Macro Requirements for glibc (see feature_test_macros(7)):

复制settimeofday(): Since glibc 2.19: _DEFAULT_SOURCE Glibc 2.19 and earlier: _BSD_SOURCE


** The functions gettimeofday() and settimeofday() can get and set the time as well as a timezone.**

复制The tv argument is a struct timeval (as specified in ): ​ struct timeval { time_t tv_sec; /* seconds */ suseconds_t tv_usec; /* microseconds */ }; ​ and gives the number of seconds and microseconds since the Epoch (see time(2)). ​ The tz argument is a struct timezone: ​ struct timezone { int tz_minuteswest; /* minutes west of Greenwich */ int tz_dsttime; /* type of DST correction */ }; ​ If either tv or tz is NULL, the corresponding structure is not set or returned. (However, compilation warnings will result if tv is NULL.) ​ The use of the timezone structure is obsolete; the tz argument should normally be specified as NULL. (See NOTES below.) ​ Under Linux, there are some peculiar “warp clock” semantics associated with the settimeofday() system call if on the very first call (after booting) that has a non-NULL tz argument, the tv argument is NULL and the tz_minuteswest field is nonzero. (The tz_dsttime field should be zero for this case.) In such a case it is assumed that the CMOS clock is on local time, and that it has to be incremented by this amount to get UTC system time. No doubt it is a bad idea to use this feature.


** gettimeofday() and settimeofday() return 0 for success, or -1 for failure (in which case errno is set appropriately).**


struct timeval {

** time_t tv_sec; /* seconds */

** suseconds_t tv_usec; /* microseconds / *

** };

struct timeval 结构体中有 tv_sec 秒参数 和 tv_usec 微妙参数,非常有利于我们做时间的加减计算。


3 源码实现

3.1 参考代码


复制#include #include #include #include static int get_cur_time_ms(void) { struct timeval tv;gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); //使用gettimeofday获取当前系统时间return (tv.tv_sec * 1000 + tv.tv_usec / 1000); //利用struct timeval结构体将时间转换为ms } ​

3.2 代码简介

代码的功能逻辑,正如上面 的函数描述所说,正是利用gettimeofday返回的struct timeval结构内的成员变量,通过秒、毫秒、微妙的数量转换,将当前时间转换成毫秒,然后以函数返回值的形式输出。

值得注意的是,虽然gettimeofday在结构体定义上 【号称】有微妙级的精度,但是实际大部分的平台是没法达到这样的精度的,所以我们取其中,转换成毫秒级的精度,这个已经满足我们绝大多数应用场景了。

3.3 代码测试


复制#include #include #include #include ​ static int get_cur_time_ms(void) { struct timeval tv; ​ gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); //使用gettimeofday获取当前系统时间 ​ return (tv.tv_sec * 1000 + tv.tv_usec / 1000); //利用struct timeval结构体将时间转换为ms } ​ static void get_rand_bytes(unsigned char *data, int len) { int a; int i; ​ srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); //种下随机种子 for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { data[i] = rand() % 255; //取随机数,并保证数在0255之间 //printf(“%02X “, data[i]); } } ​ int main(int argc, const char **argv) { int t1; int t2; unsigned char data[1024000]; ​ t1 = get_cur_time_ms(); get_rand_bytes(data, sizeof(data)); t2 = get_cur_time_ms(); printf(“random %d bytes, waste time: %dms “, sizeof(data), t2 – t1); //打印耗时 ​ return 0; } ​

以下测试代码的逻辑还是很简单的,主要就是测试获取 1024000个随机数的耗时情况。






4 小小总结 面对需求说明,尽快找到核心的功能要点,找到算法逻辑是关键; 明白要做什么,再去选择合适的函数来满足功能逻辑,这是比较好的思路; 考虑到gettimeofday的实际精度问题,牺牲部分不起眼的精度,依然可以满足大部分的需求。 5 更多分享


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