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S3C2440 使用J-link V8 烧写方法



2、在J-Link Commander执行下面的指令



speed 12000

h //由于开发板上电后可能存在程序运行,故先停止

loadbin D:\2440init.bin 0x0 //将init.bin文件导入0地址

setpc 0x0 //将运行指针指向0地址

g //运行0地址所在程序

h //停止处理器(同halt命令)

loadbin F:\nboot.bin 0x32000000 //将nboot.bin导到相应地址,用于写入到nand flash

loadbin F:\nboot.bin 0x33f80000 //将nboot.bin导到相应地址,用于运行

setpc 0x33f80000 //将运行指针指向相应地址

g //运行相应地址所在程序


在j-link里执行“g”指令后,要迅速转换到 dnw 窗口,并在快速按下“空格”等任意键


“GSTATUS3 = 0x0

USB host is not connected yet.

Now boot Wince

Read chip id = ec76

Nand flash status = c0

Load Kernel…

Skip bad block at 24/page at 768



Super. BootLoader(V3.1415)—–for s3c2440

VID is 0x76543210, PID is 0xfedcba98 Serial NO. is 89abcdef01234567 BWSCON = 0x2211d120 CPU ID is 0x32440001 Found boot params FCLK=400MHz, HCLK=100MHz, PCLK=50MHz CPU is running at 400MHz UPLL=48MHz, UCLK=48MHz Serial port 1, Baud rate is 115200. Autoboot delay is 1 seconds. [SD Update Check!!!!!!1]

** USB Download and Tools Menu

FCLK=400.0MHz, DMA USB: IN_ENDPOINT:1 OUT_ENDPOINT:3 FORMAT: <ADDR(DATA):4>+<SIZE(n+10):4>+<DATA:n>+<CS:2> NOTE: 1. Power off/on or press the reset button for 1 sec in order to get a valid USB device address. 2. For additional tools menu, Press any key.

GSTATUS3 = 0x0

USB host is not connected yet. Select Menu [0] Download & Run [1] Download Only [2] Test SDRAM [3] Download From UART [5] Write File to NAND Flash [6] Run Program from NAND Flash [7] Erase NAND Flash Partition [8] Config parameters [9] Relocate NK.bin [A] SD Card Update. [R] Restart.

如果没错的话,键入“5“就可以办nboot.bin 写入 nand flash了。
