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green light是什么意思,green light中文意思,摘要

1.Green light是英文中常用说法,「许可」、「拍板定案」的意思。另外还有:Get the go-ahead、OK、Good to go等用法。

2.疫苗获得许可,也常用Green light表示。

3.否决、拒绝通过则可以说Turn down。Veto否决;禁止则最常用在官方行使否决权。

Andy在等老板看过案子,同事拨电话过来说:“Good news! David just green lit your proposal.”Andy一愣,green什么?

green light是什么意思,green light中文意思-greenlife是什么意思

Green light是英文中常用说法,「许可」、「拍板定案」的意思。

Green light的动词用法:

●They are not going to green-light the project if it’s over budget.(专案如果超出预算,是不会通过的。)


●The FDA just green-lit America’s first COVID vaccine.(美国食药署刚批准美国的首支新冠疫苗。)

Green light也可以当名词用,表达获得或给出许可。

●We just got the green light to extend the contract.(我们刚获得延长合约许可。)

●Annie has given the green light to the new project.(Annie已允许进行新计划。)


Get the go-ahead

●They’re ready but still waiting to get the go-ahead from the regional office.(他们已经准备好,但还在等区办公室的许可。)

●Once she gives the go-ahead, we’ll release the news.(一旦她点头,我们就会公布消息。)


●I got the ok from the head of HR. Starting from next week, the whole team will work remotely.(我已得到人资主管同意,下周起整个团队就会远距工作。)

OK和green light一样,也可以直接做动词,是比较口语的用法:

●His doctor just okayed the trip. 他的医生允许他去这趟旅行了。

Good to go

●I read through your proposal. It’s good to go!(我看完你的提案了。可以进行了。)

●A: Have you heard from your boss?(你老板有消息了吗?)

B: Just talked to him. It’s good to go!(刚和他谈完,可以进行了!)


Turn down

turn down意思之一是「把音量调小」,例如Can you turn the music down a bit?(可以把音量调低一点吗?)另一种意思是拒绝:

●We’re sorry that we have to turn down your application.(很抱歉,我们必须拒绝你的申请。)

●We had to turn Jack down, even though his proposal was ok.(虽然Jack的简报OK,我们还是得拒绝他。)



●The president vetoed the bill.(总统否决了此法案。)

●David’s boss vetoed his taking more time off this year.(David的老板禁止他今年再请假。)

当名词时,惯用的说法是put a veto on…

●The CEO just put a veto on meetings over 30 minutes.(CEO禁止开会超过30分钟。)
